The Geothermal IWG
The Geothermal Implementation Working Group IWG is one of the designated working groups supporting the implementation of the SET Plan, Europe’s Strategic Energy Technology Plan. The IWG brings together SET Plan countries, the geothermal energy industry, and the research community at a European level. Its mission is to coordinate research and innovation efforts and jointly support the transition to a resilient and climate-neutral Europe which utilises geothermal energy to its full potential.

Geothermal energy: a reliable energy source for heating and cooling, power production, thermal energy storage and co-production of minerals

Activities and priorities of the Geothermal IWG

Geothermal energy for Industry
Four Key Priorities
Geothermal energy and technologies contribute to Europe’s climate neutral goals through four main pillars:

Heating and

Minerals and Raw materials

The Geothermal Implementation Working Group IWG envisages a net-zero Europe in 2050 where:
geothermal heat supplies more than 25% of Europe’s demand for space heating, and
10% of power production in SET Plan countries,
a further 10% space heating supply by underground thermal energy storage,
and co-production of geothermal energy and minerals/critical raw materials in 10 European regions.